Sustainable finance
Sustainable finance is at the heart of the Paris financial center's priorities. Aware of the importance of a dedicated and substantial commitment, Paris Europlace members first created the Green and Sustainable finance initiative in 2016, then Finance for Tomorrow in 2017, in order to have a specific entity dedicated to sustainable finance. At the end of 2022, to accelerate this momentum, the Institut de la finance durable (IFD) was created in line with the recommendations of Yves Perrier's report submitted to Bruno Le Maire in March 2022.
The Paris financial center is already one of the world leaders in sustainable finance, with, for example, its position as Europe's leading issuer of Green Bonds, ambitious financial product labeling schemes, and a particularly high level of awareness of these issues on the part of all players, issuers and investors alike.
With the IFD, the Paris financial center has created an ambitious and proactive structure, which is responsible for a number of marketplace missions (secretariat of the SRI label, Sustainable Finance Observatory), continues the work previously carried out by Finance for Tomorrow (biodiversity, impact finance, just transition, etc.) and strengthens the work on climate issues (financing the ecological transition, CO2 accounting, extra-financial analysis, issuer governance in relation to extra-financial indicators, fossil fuel reduction trajectory, etc.).