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    1. Monday 31 March at 09:00
      IFD 2025 meetings

      The Institut de la Finance Durable, a branch of Paris Europlace, is pleased to invite you to the 2nd edition of its annual sustainable finance event, the Rencontres de l'IFD, on...

    2. Tuesday 08 April at 08:30
      Private Markets Day

      Stimulating ingenuity, for better or worse? Le 08 Avril 2025, L’AGEFI, en partenariat avec Paris Europlace vous invite à un événement majeur dédié au non-coté baptisé « Private Markets Day ». Il réunira deux rendez-vous...

    3. Wednesday 09 April at 15:30
      Blockchain & Finance: evolution or revolution?

      On April 9, 2025, Paris Europlace, in collaboration with Société Générale-Forge, Adan, bpifrance, Caisse des Dépôts, Cube3 and OCBF, invites you to take part in an après-midi...

    4. Wednesday 30 April at 08:30
      Bank Tech Day

      The event dedicated to the transformation of banking professions and innovation Paris Europlace is delighted to be a partner of the latest Bank Tech Day organized by Finance Innovation. The banking sector faces new challenges: resilience and adaptability...

    5. Tuesday 10 June at 08:30
      Paris Finance Forum

      Mark your calendars now: the Paris Finance Forum 2025 will take place on June 10. More information coming soon.