
[TECH EVENT] Open Banking: Prospects and Opportunities

25 January 2021 Events
Viewed 35 times

We are delighted to invite you to our event on the subject of "Open Banking: Perspectives and Opportunities".

Our experts will present the current state of Open Banking in Europe.


9h45 Introductory remarks :

  • Joan BURKOVIC, Founder and Managing Director, Bankin' & Bridge powered by Bankin'
  • Alain PITHON, General Secretary, Paris EUROPLACE
  • Corina FONTAINE, Partner, OnePoint, Secretary General, France Payments Forum

10:00 Panel 1: State and future of Open banking in Europe?

11:00 Panel 2: From Open Banking to Open Payments: a sovereign European initiative?

11:45 Questions / Answers

12:00 Conclusion: Finance Innovation

  • Maximilien NAYARADOU, Managing Director, Finance Innovation