À propos

Paris Europlace

Paris Europlace brings together over 600 stakeholders from the financial ecosystem - banks, insurance companies, asset managers, intermediaries, fintechs, industrial and commercial enterprises, consulting firms, law firms, public actors...: a unique network to gather all stakeholders of the Paris financial market and exchange their priorities.

Paris Europlace promotes the Paris financial market in France and internationally to foster its development in all its dimensions. With its commissions, committees, and working groups bringing together top professionals, the association defines the positions of the financial market and advocates for them with public authorities and other stakeholders in France, Europe, and internationally


Paris Europlace is managed by a Board of Directors chaired by Augustin de Romanet, Chairman and CEO of the ADP Group, with Jean Lemierre, Chairman of BNP Paribas, and Yves Perrier, Chairman of Edmond de Rothschild Group, as Vice-Chairmen.

The Board of Directors is made up of leading companies in their sectors, as well as professional federations in finance, industry and services.

It is assisted by a steering committee and two colleges, one for companies, the other for investors.


Among the priorities of the Paris financial market:

Attractiveness of the Paris financial center


The promotion of its attractiveness to develop businesses, create jobs, and enhance the financing capabilities of the economy.

Sustainable finance


Sustainable finance, with Paris being one of the leading financial centers in this field; Paris Europlace has further strengthened the resources allocated to this pillar by creating the Institute of Sustainable Finance, a think tank and a platform for formulating the positions of the financial center. 

European Regulation


The development of the single capital market within the European Union, and the strengthening of the resilience of companies and the economic sovereignty of the Union that should result from it.

Infrastructure financing


Where the Paris financial center has an unparalleled ecosystem of investors, intermediaries, infrastructure developers, lawyers and financial consultants, and significant experience in public-private partnerships.



Innovation, with both a dynamic fintech sector and major players investing extensively in digital transformation. Finance Innovation, a branch of Paris Europlace, plays a central role in supporting young finance companies and in fostering this ecosystem.