
European Banking and Financial Services Conference

23 February 2022 Events
Viewed 56 times

Banking and Financial Services in Europe"
Thursday, March 24, 2022
08:30 am - 6:30 pm

On January 1, 2022, France takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. In finance and payments, what are the main directions to be taken?
What major issues need to be adjusted and expanded?

Paris EUROPLACE, Finance Innovation, & France Payments Forum join forces to :
- a one-day event in support of the French Presidency,
- a competitive digital Europe without internal borders, in finance and payments.



8:30 Welcome coffee

9:00 Opening session

9:15 Keynote Ms Mairead McGUINNESS, European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (FISMA), European Commission

9:30 Keynote Mr. Sébastien RASPILLER, Head of Economic Financing Department (SFE), Treasury Department, French Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery

9:45-11:00 Session 1: Accelerating the construction of a digital and competitive Europe in banking, finance and payments
Moderators: Arnaud de BRESSON (Paris Europlace), Maximilien NAYARADOU (Finance Innovation), Hervé SITRUK (FRANCE PAYMENTS FORUM)

Speakers :
- Ulrich BINDSEIL, Director General, Market Infrastructure and Payments, European Central Bank
- Stéphane BOUJNAH, Chairman and CEO, Euronext
- Vincent DUVAL, Managing Director, Paylib
- Gilles GRAPINET, Chairman and CEO, WorldLine
- Yves TYRODE, Managing Director in charge of Innovation, Data, Digital and Payments, Groupe BPCE

11:00-11:30: Coffee break

11:30-12:45 Session 2: "European regulation: what are the priorities for converging the internal market towards a digital space in banking, finance and payments, and how can we support major European projects?"
Moderators: Arnaud de BRESSON (Paris Europlace), Maximilien NAYARADOU (Finance Innovation), Hervé SITRUK (FRANCE PAYMENTS FORUM)

- Alexandra JOUR-SCHROEDER, Deputy Director General, DG FISMA, European Commission
- Gabriel CUMENGE, Deputy Director of Banks and General Interest Financing, Treasury Department, Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Recovery
- Jean-Paul MAZOYER, Deputy Managing Director, in charge of Innovation, Digital Transformation, Group IT and Payments, CRÉDIT AGRICOLE Group
- Eric LASSUS, Managing Director, TREEZOR
- Hubert de VAUPLANE, Partner Kramer-Levin
- Stéphanie YON-COURTIN, Member of the European Parliament

12:45 Keynote Denis BEAU, 1st Deputy Governor Banque de France

13:00 Lunch

14:30-15:45 France Payments Forum: "From the euro to digital payments, to the commercial and central digital euro, and EPI" The euro has been a success. What does the future hold for payments in Europe? What are the prospects for digital payments, the digital euro and EPI?
Moderators: Corina FONTAINE, Secretary General, France Payments Forum, Partner Paiements et Infrastructure de Marché Groupe Onepoint and Hervé SITRUK, President and Founder, France Payments Forum and Managing Director, MANSIT

Speakers :
- Nathalie AUFAUVRE, Director General of Financial Stability and Operations, Banque de France
- Eric DUCOULOMBIER, Head of Retail Financial Services and Payments Unit, DG FISMA, European Commission
- Alexandre MAYMAT, Head of Global Transaction and Payment Services, Société Générale
- Bruno HAETSDAELE, Founder and CEO, LINXO
- Jérôme RAGUÉNÈS*, Head of Digital, Payment Systems and Risk Management, Société Générale
- Martina WEIMERT, Managing Director, EPI

15:45-17:00 Paris EUROPLACE: "Digital finance at the service of the European economy".

Moderator: Marianne DEMARCHI, Senior Advisor Paris Europlace & CEO Fin&Tech Advisory

What strategy for France and Europe?
Faustine Fleuret, President of ADAN

Workshop 1: Blockchain at the service of financing the economy
- Adeline BACHELLERIE, Head of Department, Digital Money and Innovation, Banque de France

- Isabelle DELORME, Deputy CEO of ESES (Euroclear Belgium, France & the Netherlands)
- Emilie RIEUPEYROUX, Director of Innovation, Euronext
- Benoit SUREAU, Partner PWC, Financial institutions, Risks & Blockchain
- Daniel TURQUETY, Deputy Head of Digital, BNPP CIB

Workshop 2: Asset management and new digital frontiers
- Claire BALVA, Co-Founder Blockchain Partner, Director Blockchain & Cryptos at KPMG France
- Muriel FAURE, President of the AFG Innovation Commission
- Nicolas LOUVET, CEO Coinhouse

17:00 Finance Innovation: "Innovation in finance and payments in Europe".

Moderator: Pierre LAHBABI, CEO, Galitt

Speakers :
- Anton BIELAKOFF, Lyra Network, CEO
- Damien GUERMONPREZ, Lemonway, Executive Chairman
- Cédric CURTIL*, Director of Strategy and Innovation, Retail France, Société Générale
- Guillaume TOUTBLANC, EIT Digital, Managing Director France
- Marjorie VIGNE*, Breega, Partner

(*) : not confirmed

18:15 Closing remarks: Maya Atig, General Manager, FBF

18:30 End of the day